Tag: Real Estate Guru
The Thirteenth Annual Western History Symposium
Historians, educators and authors will be at the 13th annual Western History Symposium to talk about all things relevant to Arizona’s western heritage.
The Western History Symposium is an annual event featuring informative presentations related to a variety of western subjects such as honky tonks, brothels, mining camps; and entertainment on the frontier.
The all-day event consists of hour-long presentations from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. An evening presentation will be held in conjunction with the regular monthly dinner meeting of the Corral.
Another topic for presentation will be Annie Neal, the Black Cherokee princess who hosted royalty and the rich and famous at her luxurious Arizona hotel.
Arizona and the Medal of Honor – from the Indian War to VietNam will make up another presentation.
If you’re interested in baseball, you’ll want to join us to hear about the history of baseball in the Arizona Territory.
Touching on history will be the presentation of “Pursuing the Black-on-Gray: West Central
Arizona’s Ancient People.”
The Symposium is free and open to the public for all talks. Reservations are not required.
Symposium attendees are welcome to attend the Corral’s monthly dinner prior to the evening talk. Reservations and advance payment are required for the dinner, but neither are required if you only wish to attend the talk after the dinner. Seating may be limited.
For additional information visit www.sharlot.org.nadine
11th Annual Shootout
On Saturday and Sunday, July 23 & 24 the Prescott Regulators and Their Shady Ladies will present their 11th Annual Shootout on Whiskey Row (corner of Goodwin and Montezuma Streets).
Prescott’s historic downtown comes alive with costumed re-enactors walking the street. The re-enactment competition is second to none and the 1800’s costume contest is like a step back in time.
The street is filled with booths, vendors of all things Old West; and other exhibitors and entertainers.
As part of this event, the Prescott Regulators “Long Riders” will have sponsor a ten mile trail ride from the Granite Dells trailhead into Whiskey Row in Downtown Prescott, site of the “Shootout on Whiskey Row.”
For further information, or to get involved with the trail ride, call: Liv Nilson at: 602.679.7397 or Mike Tickle at: 602.550.5629 or go to: www.prsllongriders.com